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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  March 31, 2021 11:34pm-12:36am PDT

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hock at this. talk about too close to the action. this video shows a photographer taking pictures of that erupting volcano in iceland before having to run away from the lava as it flowed toward them. thousands of icelanders have flocked to the sight hoping to get a rare look. have a great night. [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ >> steve: from rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight join jimmy and his guests - jerry seinfeld taylor kinney. musical guest camilo and y fallon ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much! hey! that's what i'm talking about. looking good thank you very much, everybody hello! thank you! well, guys, i want to start off by wishing everyone a very happy st. patrick's day!
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[ cheers and applause yep, instead of pfizer and moderna, people just stayed home and did shots of jameson. [ light laughter ] yep, all day we got to play a fun game drunk co-worker or bad zoom connection [ light laughter ] so - [ laughter ] st. patrick's day during covid is pretty strange. you've got to stay six feet apart, or as irish dads call it, hugging. [ laughter ] the cdc put out guidelines for how to celebrate you know it's a fun holiday when you're getting tips from people in lab coats. isn't that fun [ laughter ] yeah there weren't any big parades today. my question is, is it reallyhat at 8:00 a.m. you know [ light laughter ] but people still celebrated. everyone ate corned beef and cabbage to commemorate when
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st. patrick went keto. [ laughter ] yeah actually, i'm being told that's just a leak in the mountain dew pipeline installed by trump. [ laughter ] we'll get it fixed well, this is big. last night president biden sat down for an exclusive interview with george stephanopoulos and he had some strong wordso ts >> you know vladimir putin you think he's a killer? well, you'll see shortly >> tariq: okay >> jimmy: and stephanopoulos said, "okay, but don't call me shortly. [ laughter ] of course, "you'll see shortly" is political code for, "i have no friggin' idea." [ laughter ] biden sounded like he was in an '80s action movie i was waiting for him to put his badge in the drawer and be like, "i'm not a cop tonight, george this is personal."
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[ laughter ] but biden didn't stop there. he went on to say this about putin. >> you said you know he doesn't have a soul. yes.>> and his response was, "we understand one another." i wasn't being a wise guy. i was alone with him in his office that's how it came about i said, "i looked in your eyes and i don't think you have a a soul." he looked back and said, "we understand each other. >> jimmy: then putin was like, "mr. biden, are you trying to seduce me? [ laughter ] the weird thing is biden once said the same thing to a a scooper at cold stone who forgot his hot fudge [ laughter ] "i don't think you have a soul." yup, biden said he was alone in putin's office then putin pointed to 52 different plants in the room and said, "trust me, when ephann about his dog major who recently got into some trouble with a white house staffer watch this >> is major out of the dog house? >> yeah -- [ laughter ] the answer is yes. major was a rescue pup
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major did not bite someone and penetrate the skin, but he's a a sweet dog. 85% of the people there love him. it's just, all he does is lick them and wag his tail. >> jimmy: yeah 85% of the people love him the other 15% are missing part of their face. [ laughter ] 85% just love to have him around biden was like, "relax, after it happened, i looked into major's eyes and i saw a soul. [ laughter ] we, yollguys, president biden is on his "help is here" tour to talk about the benefits of the new stimulus package and it turns out, he's already been a lot of places to promote it take a look. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere ma and i've been everywhere ♪ ♪ i've been to california oklahoma pennsylvania ♪ ♪ arizona massachusetts mississippi san francisco ♪ ♪ kansas city alabama minnesota carolina ♪ ♪ north dakota north kore venezuela guatemala ♪ ♪ indonesia colorad pakistan cancun ♪ ♪ to the moon austin boston
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iran afghanistan ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere ma and i've been everywhere ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: he's really pushing this thing hey, guys, it is time for a "news smash. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: first up, it's st. patrick's day. the big parade might not be happening this year, but that doesn't mean you can't celebrate the irish with some corned beef and cabbage biden though i have a feeling a lot of them will blow their money on march madness people are making bets left and right. who will make it to the sweet 16 the final four who will go all the way? well, if you want to go all the way, why not try -- tinder the app is in the news because they're mailing free covid tests to people so they can be safe before going on dates some users like the idea others think it's weird. but one idea everyone can get behind, stimulus checks.
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[ laughter ] give me that stimmy. [ light laughter ] that moolah. that cold hard cash. that cheddar that paper that lettuce that green green beer, green hair, green clothes. some people pinch you if you're not wearing green. and they're the kind of people you should avoid on tinder [ light laughter ] you can get tested before a big date let's be honest. you should probably get tested after, too though i've got to say, dating right now seems like complete, madness. 68 teams vying for the top spot a bunch of college kids going at it, which is also a great way to describe tinder [ laughter ] in conclusion, you're in luck. good luck out there. you might get lucky. it's the luck of the irish ♪ >> jimmy: some sports news, i saw that lebron james recently became part owner of the boston red sox. that's right the red sox are now partly owned by a yankees fan who plays for the lakers, and they found out on st. patrick's day
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so, please, check on your friends in boston. [ laughter ] but business news here, i saw that yankee candle just announced its scent of the year is discovery it's already predicted to be this year's most re-gifted candle [ laughter ] yeah, the candle is called itscovery. a pretty fancy name for something that's going to sit undiscovered above your toilet for three years. [ light laughter ] and finally, a woman in florida was just arrested for something >> a woman arrested accused of doing performed a nose job on a. she was in the middle of another surgery when she was arrested >> jimmy: patients knew something was up when her surgical gown had an auto zone logo on it [ laughter ] yeah, they stopped her mid-surgery. meanwhile the patient was like, "um, hello!" guys, we have a great show give it up for the roots, everybody!
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[ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: hey, guys, before we start i just want to send our love to everyone down in atlanta. our hearts go out to everyone in the community there [ applause ] thinking about you tonight we have a great show for you tonight. his new book, "is this anything?" is available now. jerry seinfeld is here [ cheers and applause my man plus he stars in the hit series, "chicago fire," taylor kinney is here. [ cheers and applause and we've got music from camilo [ cheers and applause guys, be sure to watch tomorrow night. we have a big show for you michelle obama will be with us [ cheers and applause we'll be talking with her and then we're going to do a first ever zoom bomb so, the way this works is we are going to zoom bomb some people
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we're just going to crash random zoom meetings and surprise people with michelle obama it's going to be really -- it's a lot of fun that's tomorrow night. and then friday night, we're heading out of the studio to do a very special "at home" show from my house. [ cheers and applause it was exactly a year ago today that we first started doing those, so now it's a year later and we're going to do another one and it's a good one. matthew mcconaughey is on the show [ cheers and applause we're doing, "thank you notes," "ask the fallons," a whole lot more and i'm sure my kids will make an appearance. i have to ask their agents to get back to us [ laughter ] it is a great show friday night, "at home" show [ cheers and applause now it is time for "hashtags," everybody. here we go >> jimmy: we do this thing every week where i send out a hashtag and i ask you guys to respond to that topic. so since it is st. patrick's day, and we all want to go out and party, but we have to wait
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a few more months. i thought we could reminisce so i sent out the hashtag "party fail," where i asked you guys to tweet out some of your best party stories within minutes it was a trending topic, so thank you aying along. [ applause ] and now i thought i'd share some of my favorite party fail responses from you guys. this first one is from rezendes nick. he says, "a college crush once asked me to open her beer at a a party. to impress her, tried to open with it my teeth never done this before the bottle shattered and my gums started bleeding in front of everyone. as she looked in horror, she said, "it's a twist-off. [ laughter and applause this one's from @morningskinny they said, "one year on st. patty's, my roommate and i decided to change all of our ligh party, including the front door light of our apartment when the cops got a loud noise complaint, they knew exactly where to go. [ laughter and applause it's like, "who would be the -- okay, the green house. this one's from @jbellpoe.
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she says, "for their little girl's birthday party, some friends created a pinata in the shape of her favorite stuffed animal i don't think they considered the optics of having a bunch of 6-year-olds beat a baby seal with a stick [ laughter and applause not a good look. this one's from aja the fairy. she says, "my friend invited me to someone's apartment for a a party. we were all having a good time when the host yelled, 'oh no, the people who live here are home.' we had no idea it wasn't his place. [ laughter and applause "you don't live here?" this is from @notjustarand0. he says, "i was part of a group zoom gender reveal party where the grandmother of the mom wasn't muted and said to her caretaker, 'i'm surprised she didn't get pregnant in high school, to be honest.' [ laughter and applause that is a party fail there, man. this one is from @itsflytobeche she says, "we had a wooden
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frame beer pong table back in college. some guy tried to slam dunk a beer pong ball into a cup. broke the table and rolled off sideways out of our first story window [ laughter and applause that's great oh, my god that should have been on tape. that's really good that makes me laugh. this last one is written by jvb. she says, "at my first house party ever i thought i had a a great time despite not remembering anything it wasn't until the next day i was told i caused a scene, hit on the host's boyfriend, broke her lamp, and tried to eat some toilet paper haven't been to a house party ever since." [ laughter ] there you have it. those are our "tonight show hashtags." to check out more of our favorites, go to " we'll be right back with more of "the tonight show," everybody. come on back jerry seinfeld in the house. come on. jerry seinfeld in the house. come on. ♪
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ if liberty mutual customizes keep l your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ hello sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm so glad to see you sunshine ♪ ♪ hello sunshine ♪ ♪ it's been dark for such a long time ♪ ♪ hello sunshine ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. you know, it can be hard to make big life decisions, but i
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have someone here who can help it's time for life coach with jerry seinfeld ♪ life coac with jerry seinfeld ♪ >> jimmy: i am joined now by jerry seinfeld jerry, are you there >> jimmy - >> jimmy: yes. >> i am here i am ready let's do some comedy >> jimmy: jerry, you are not afraid to speak your mind. i love hearing your take on things so we asked viewers at home -- >> i do, too >> jimmy: to - >> i love my mind. >> jimmy: thank you. >> and i love my take on things >> jimmy: we asked viewers at home to send in questions that they need your coaching on are you ready to give out some tough advice >> i am. but i'm going to tell you right now, my advice to most people with most questions is just going to be, shave your head, move to phoenix. >> jimmy: okay, good >> just start over that's gonna be my advice 99% of the time, no matter what your problem is. >> jimmy: yeah i understand >> okay. but i love this kind of thing 'cause i do have opinions on everything they're not correct.
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they're just mine. >> jimmy: okay this first one -- "my girlfriend goes to bed early, and she gets angry that i don't go to bed at the same time she loves snuggling, but i like having a few hours to myself at night. am i being selfish?" >> yes and you're also a moron, because all you have to do is get in bed with her. first of all, do what she wants to do. if she wants to go to bed early, you go to bed early >> jimmy: yeah >> she will fall asleep! then you get up and do what you want [ laughter ] idiot! >> jimmy: i told you that is exactly right. what are you doing why are you causing a problem? >> yes, let her fall asleep. she's never going to know. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: causing such a big problem while she's awake? she's got -- yeah, exactly >> yeah. you think she can hear your eyes open? she can't. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: here's another question "my unemployed friend has been crashing at my place for six
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months that's not the problem yet i love him, but he never does the dishes, he eats my food without asking and regularly takes showers that last over an hour should i confront him or just let things be? >> you are not paul mccartney. you cannot let it be [ laughter ] tell this person -- you have to confront them, yes you're going to do it. you know, if you don't tell them about this, you're going to act it out in other ways. slamming cupboards and, you know, knocking things over tell him, "look, this is bothering me." don't be so -- don't be so weak and shave your head and move to phoenix. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah all right, here's one. "my brother is about to have his first child and wants to name him saffron my brother's kind of a hippie, but he's also super sensitive and has a temper, but i don't want to poke the dragon. but i've got to say something,
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right? >> no. shut up! it's none of your business saffron is a beautiful name. it's a beautiful color none of your business. and -- >> jimmy: yeah >> need i say, shave your head and move to phoenix. >> jimmy: yeah no, no, you don't even have to say that yeah, exactly. i like this one. "i'm a bride's maid in a a wedding that's been rescheduled twice due to covid they just rescheduled it a a third time, but now, it's in cabo, and they didn't even ask if any of us were available. can i just back out at this point? i'm so over it." >> yeah. you can, but cabo's pretty good i would go to cabo why not? that's pretty good that's not a bad wedding place anything you don't want to do is probably -- you're going to enjoy it that's -- that's my kind of m.o. in life anything my wife wants me to do, i absolutely don't want to do it, and i'm always glad i did it >> jimmy: you don't -- for the most part, you don't want -- like to do things? >> no. whatever -- whatever anyone wants me to do, i don't want to do it.
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if i want to do it, if it was my idea, even that i don't want to do. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so if you have an idea of something you want to do - >> yeah. >> jimmy: what percentage? >> 50/50, i'm gonna like that. [ laughter ] and it's my idea >> jimmy: 50/50. >> so anybody else's idea, that's why i can't stand vacations. because a vacation is someone else's idea of what you're going to like. >> jimmy: yeah >> they think you'll like this they think you want to zip line and kayak. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do i look like a guy who zip lines and kayaks >> zip line is like -- you know, like -- like, i need to know what it feels like to be dry cleaning that's what zip lining is.where after the zip line, they put me in clear plastic on a hook in the back of somebody else's car back to the hotel.
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give me the full experience of being dry cleaned. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "jerry, i've been secretly using my girlfriend's expensive shampoo and then adding a bit of my cheaper one to it, so she doesn't notice." >> ah, good. i like that. >> jimmy: "i feel bad, but the stuff is like $50 a bottle should i stop? >> yeah. >> jimmy: "does this make me a a bad person?" >> no. there are other things you do that make you a bad person, but not this [ laughter ] this -- this i like. screw her. screw the fancy shampoo people >> jimmy: yeah >> keep the scam going as long as you can i think it's very creative [ laughter ] very inventive >> jimmy: very creative. you are ridiculous all right. here we go last one here. "we've been ordering lots of take out during last year, and have a bunch of extra ketchup packets lying around my wife thinks we should throw them out i don't want to be wasteful and
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buy a bottle of ketchup when we have perfectly good packets to use. she says i'm being uncivilized am i wrong?" >> this is -- again, this is so simple i cannot believe the stupidity of this. just take a bottle of ketchup and open each one and put it in put it in. and let her catch you doing that >> jimmy: and then if she -- >> let her find you -- >> jimmy: yeah >> when she comes home from work, sitting there -- >> jimmy: doing that all day long >> putting them in one after the other. but yeah, maybe and you the shampoo guy could hang out >> jimmy: or - >> or -- >> both: shave your head and move to phoenix. >> jimmy: thank you very much. that's all the time we have for life coach my thanks to the great jerry seinfeld stick around we'll be talking with jerry after the break. come on back, everybody. ♪ ♪ if you're 55 and up,
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♪ >> jimmy: my first guest is one of my all time favorites his best selling book, "is this anything?" is filled with 45 years worth of his stand-up material it is unbelievable it is a must-own it's available now here he is, jerry seinfeld jerry, thank you so much again for doing this show. and doing -- doing life coach. i think it helped a lot of people life coach >> i think i did i can't think of one person whose life won't be better >> jimmy: do you like giving advice to people >> oh, yeah. i could give advice constantly unwanted, unnecessary, not asked for.
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[ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i remember, i went to you for advice really -- early, i mean, the beginning of my career because i followed you at the improv because no one else wanted to follow you, because you destroyed, you just came on and surprised everybody, it was great. and then they were like, "whose -- are they on? i'm not going on who is jimmy fallon? i go, "that's me." and then i went on and i end up doing an impression of you and i kind of rebounded. and i did -- i did okay. i didn't crush it, i didn't do amazing. i did okay but then i got to meet you at a party. some big party that i shouldn't have been at and you were talking with -- it was adam sandler, maybe, at his house. and you were talking with adam - >> my pool >> jimmy: yeah >> my pool by a pool? >> jimmy: you were by a pool with garry shandling >> yeah, i remember that >> jimmy: you do >> yeah. i remember that. >> jimmy: that was me. i was -- >> me, sandler, and shandling and you came up. >> jimmy: yes, i walked in because i was so nervous, but i said i had an in, kind of, because i had just done this
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and i go, hey, and i was just so nervous i probably did not even make eye contact with you and i said, i followed you at the improv and you crushed it but i did okay i ended up doing an impression of you and i got up and you go, "that's good for you you have to learn how to follow people." it was kind of great advice. but that's gonna be part of this ride. >> well, because there is no advice that's the -- that's the kind of weird thing about stand-up comedy is like, nobody can help you it's like being a newborn calf the cow can't say, "here's how you walk." it's just like -- figure it out, you know? >> jimmy: yeah >> and that was the advice i went up to rodney dangerfield the same way you came up to me when i was a kid at catch a rising star. first avenue and 78th street and i went up to him and you know, he didn't know who i was i was just in the bar standing there. and i go, "can you give me some advice about how to be a a comedian?" and he went, "you'll figure it
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out. or you won't." >> jimmy: isn't that great you'll figure it out >> yeah, and it was great. it was great >> jimmy: where are you? this is your office? >> i'm in my office. this is my office in new york where i meet with people or i do stuff >> jimmy: i love it. i like the superman poster >> yeah. that's my superman poster. that's from the '30s i don't know where i got that. and to the -- to the right of that, are three of the most important things to me the top thing is a blow-up of a postage stamp of the set of my tv series they put on it a postage stamp and i thought, that was a big deal i thought that was really great. that they put this -- and they put the name of the show on there. and then below that is an award i received for writing an article for a car magazine which was my original thing that i wanted to do if comedy didn't work out. i wanted to write funny articles for car magazines
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so i only wrote one in 2003. and i won an award for it, so i'm very proud of that and then below that is me on stage in the east room of the white house performing for president obama and paul mccartney when he won the gershwin prize >> jimmy: gosh >> so that was on stage in the white house. that's it. that's it. just close the book after that >> jimmy: yeah that's when you know, yeah if you're on stage at the white house. >> that moment and my first pitch perfect strike from july 5th, 2019. >> jimmy: you don't even need to say the date. we all remember.
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[ light laughter ] >> those are the two pinnacle moments of my life not counting the birth of the kids, of course, which we always have to, you know, we always have to say that. >> jimmy: i wanted to ask you about, earlier this week your wife jessica, please tell her i give her my best >> i will. >> jimmy: she posted an instagram video. i follow her on instagram. she's great. she's funny. she's interesting. >> she's amazing on instagram. >> jimmy: she's amazing. like producing a show, it's just great >> i know, she is really incredible >> jimmy: there's an instagram video of you enjoying a new york slice of pizza. >> yes >> jimmy: let's take a look at this this is -- i love this i'll tell you why. >> jimmy: yeah there you go yeah that's exactly right now here's why i enjoy it. because i like -- i've had that pizza, by the way. >> that's mama too's pizza on broadway and 106th i love that pizza. >> jimmy: i love that pizza too. >> i also love capizzi on 9th and 38th, but they're closed right now. but that's what i call -- there is a certain kind of happy that is pizza happy that only pizza gives you that happy, that feeling. when you're pizza happy, that's it
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>> jimmy: that's it. >> that's another, that's it [ light laughter ] right? >> jimmy: oh my god. that's it. congrats again on your book. i actually - >> thank you >> jimmy: i have two copies of the book i like to have it wherever, i just like to have it around. >> those are all my bits all my bits that i - my whole life. i put it in a book in case something happens suddenly, god forbid there it is. that's what i did. >> jimmy: in the book, you also talk about "the tonight show" being it for a stand-up comedian >> sure. >> jimmy: did you celebrate after your first "tonight show"? did it change things for you >> oh, yeah, every "tonight show." i did my first one on may 6th, 1981 i don't know did i about 25 or 30 of them throughout the '80s and then the '90s and well, i'm still doing them but -- >> jimmy: yeah >> you know, but i was in l.a. in those days, and every shot that you would do was like, i'm either getting somewhere in this business or i'm going to be out of this business pretty
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soon, depending on how you did you know that six minutes was your olympic 100 meters and the tension was tremendously high. and you know, you practice your stuff for weeks and weeks and weeks. and then you go out there and you would be on tv in front of an audience, you know, and if it works, everyone knows and if it doesn't, everyone knows. so the excitement of that, i feel very lucky that i felt that nerve that tremendous nervousness and energy of those appearances. >> jimmy: did you go out afterwards was there a spot you used to go to, like a diner or something to celebrate >> always italian food you know, i'm an italaphile. yeah, and then i would have too much to drink, and too much dessert, and too much coffee
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and too much everything. and just, you know, and i leave the suit on, you pull the tie down, and you just eat everything in sight and drink. yeah, that to me was what it's about. >> jimmy: yeah that's another it. >> that's it >> jimmy: that's it. well, i'm going to say for this interview, that's it i'm always honored when you can come by and you've always been so supportive. you always come by we really, really appreciate it, buddy. thank you so much. >> always a pleasure, pal. >> jimmy: best to the fam. pick up a copy of, "is this anything?" which is out now. it is so good. taylor kinney joins us after the break. stick around, everybody. come on back ♪ -i'm down. -yes, please. [ chuckles ]
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don't get me wrong, i love my rv, but insuring it is such a hassle. same with my boat. the insurance bills are through the roof. -[ sighs ] -be cool. i wish i could group my insurance stuff. -[ coughs ] bundle. -the house, the car, the rv. like a cluster. an insurance cluster. -woosah. -[ chuckles ] -i doubt that exists. -it's a bundle! it's a bundle, and it saves you money! hi. i'm flo from progressive, and i couldn't help but overhear... super fun beach day, everybody. ♪ ♪
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and i couldn't help but overhear... ♪♪ before, we'd always be late, and on empty. now we're just late. kids! before, no one used to listen to me! hello id? i'm cold! before, we couldn't take in the sweet sounds of nature. seriously. before it can change the world, it has to change yours. the all-new, all-electric volkswagen id.4. new glad with clorox keeps all your trash all under control ♪ (intense music) ♪ (cat meows) even when your kitchen isn't... ♪ ♪ and when it's all under control... it's all clean it's all glad ♪ ♪ i'll be right back. with moderate to severe crohn's disease,
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i was there, just not always where i needed to be. is she alright? i hope so. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. and many achieved remission that can last. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. , and them. or have flu-like symptoms or sores. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible.
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♪ >> jimmy: my next guest is currently in his ninth season of "chicago fire," which airs wednesday nights at 9:00 p.m. on nbc and is streaming on peacock, right now here is taylor kinney! taylor >> hey >> jimmy: it is so nice to see you. and thank you so much for coming on the show i've actually met you before, but very briefly >> this was, i forget the year -- 2016, maybe something like that. but every year, i think i've done it four times -- we do a polar plunge, which is a a charity event for the special olympics in chicago. they wait for, you know, in and around the coldest day of the year, and they push some ice and debris up from lake michigan you get your swim trunks on, and you jump in. and it's gotten bigger, the crowds i remember you were there, vince vaughn was there, and i
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remember you had a suit on and you were like just all full suit and i go, "well, how's he gonna get out? that's gotta be, like, triple as cold. >> jimmy: look, there it is right there. [ laughter ] >> there you go. >> jimmy: i remember seeing you. my hair was frozen it was spikey. >> oh, yeah, everything just goes - >> jimmy: ice. >> and i'm sure your suit is still probably stiff as a board. >> jimmy: it's thawing out, yeah it's halfway from chicago to new york yeah but, i love that you did that four times good for you that's unbelievable. it's not a surprise to me that you do these things. 'cause you're in great shape but also, you like a good challenge. i know you and your brothers have big grilling competitions with each other. >> yeah. >> jimmy: how did that start >> i kind of grew up on fish sticks, and meatloaf, and leftover fish sticks and leftover chicken and so it was always, i just expected things to taste like that and, i was working a lot, i started, kind of, coming home and grilling on my own, like, towards the end of high school, beginning of college
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i would go, if i was doing carpentry work or roofing, i started grilling, and i started with these marinades and then, it was like, "hey, mom, like, you actually can make chicken that doesn't crack and dry. like, this is delicious, it's kind of good." and, so, as a joke with that, and then, we got more into it -- started writing down recipes. my brothers got in on it and then it became a a competition of sorts, and it just, kind of, took off. >> jimmy: well, you took it to the next level you actually bought a restaurant >> so i own -- part own a restaurant and theater, in lancaster, pennsylvania. it's called zoetropolis and lancaster distilleries the theater -- it's a small theater. we do independent film documentaries, live music. it's not a big venue maybe 90-person capacity pre-covid. it's helping a lot of people who are in between jobs and in and out of work. >> jimmy: please support your local stuff. yeah
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>> if you ever get a chance, like, come and do a little stage, a little set on the stage there at zoetropolis >> jimmy: if you have an open mic, i can't help myself i have to go up and grab on. zoetropolis? >> zoetropolis is the theater. lancaster distilleries is the restaurant >> jimmy: all right. watch me i'm going to come for you. >> i love it >> jimmy: i want to say congrats on "chicago fire. it's a giant hit i mean, this is season nine now? >> yes >> jimmy: i mean, what is it like when you first get that job and you go, oh, this could be fun let's see, let's see if we can do this. cut to, what is it ten years later now? you're still -- you're crushing it it is still a major hit on nbc >> it was one of those things, i had done pilots before either they go, they don't get picked up. it's kind of, you know, it's a a crap shoot you don't know but, you know, with dick wolf being a part of this, and "law and order," i said, "well, this could have some legs." i think it was one of our producers saying, a show runner said, "hey, you might want to
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look into getting a place. not buying but just, hey, you're going to -- get out of the hotel. and, it's been nine years now, so >> jimmy: wow! >> it's the closest thing as a a 9:00 to 5:00 that i think that i'll experience in this line of work >> jimmy: i'm a fan of the show, and i have to ask, because i used to live by a fire station when i was first on "saturday night live. and they are a very honest bunch. do you hear from real firefighters who watch and go like, "we would never do that. what are you doing?" >> for the most part, it was positive responses but i think in the first couple episodes, they were like, "well, you guys -- you got this hose you slid down this hose. how the hell are you going to get back up? we don't do that what is that?" >> jimmy: it's a tv show it's a television show we're not really firefighters. >> that's what i said. i was like, "there's a little creative license." and they're like, "what are you talking about? no, no."
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>> jimmy: taylor, thanks so much for coming on the show, man. i'm a big fan. i want to show everyone a clip here's taylor kinney in "chicago fire. take a look at this. >> you all right >> just waiting for some aspirin to kick in what's up? >> do you know anything about the delivery stella ordered for the apartment? >> delivery of what? >> that's the thing. she wouldn't say >> i don't deal well with change she knows that >> well, it's her home, too, she probably wants to put her stamp on the place >> probably. >> hey, you and kidd, if it's time for me to move on and you guys need the loft yourselves, just say the word. i promise. i'm all good >> didn't i just say i don't deal well with change? >> jimmy: taylor kinney. "chicago fir and every season is streaming right now on peacock taylor, thanks again for coming on the show. i appreciate it. >> thank you so much >> jimmy: we'll be right back with more "tonight show,"
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♪ >> jimmy: making his late night debut, performing "ropa cara" from his new album "mis manos. here's camilo. [ cheers and applause ♪ [ phone ringing ♪ [ singing in foreign language
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♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ♪ ♪
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[ singing in foreign language ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ singing in foreign language ♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you to camilo. more "tonight show" when we come back, everybody come on back [ cheers and applause ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: it's st. patrick's day everybody. and to do st. patrick's day right, you have to drink a a guinness but pouring a guinness correctly can be pretty tricky, so i thought it'd be fun if we put our beer pouring to the test tariq and i will both pour guinness into a glass and whoever's pour is best wins. questlove will judge tariq, are your ready for this >> tariq: yeah >> jimmy: all right, let's do it, go ♪ ♪ [ light laughter ] ♪ [ laughter ] ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: all right, perfect questlove, final answer. who wins quickly, me or tariq >> questlove: is tariq done yet? >> jimmy: we don't know. >> questlove: i love both my friend's pouring or no >> jimmy: oh my god. >> questlove: tariq, i'm sorry jimmy, you won ♪ [ ding ] >> jimmy: what are you sorry for? my thanks to jerry seinfeld, taylor kinney, camilo, and the roots of course. thank you, tariq thanks for watching everybody. stay safe. wear a mask. have a happy st. patrick's day stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪


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